Owner-Builder custom home in Denver

Denver TV station, Fox31 recently sent a reporter to custom home that is under construction for our clients, Annie and Matthew Skidmore.

The reporter, Shaul Turner happens to be a “trouble shooter” type of reporter (they call their program Problem Solvers) did a nice job of putting everyone at ease and reporting the story the Skidmore’s shared of building their dream home, with the support of HomeWrights Custom Homes, Owner-Builder Program.

What didn’t dawn on us until later was that this was a Problem Solvers story, usually reserved for people or businesses that are doing something less than honorable. But, thankfully, there was no “Problem” to be solved in this one! We sure appreciate our friends at Fox31 for putting in the time and sharing this story.

graphic of Denver's Fox31 News Story About HomeWrights
Fox31 problem solvers logo

Denver’s Fox31 Problem Solver Story

Of course, we understand it’s quite hard to describe the complexities and depth of a do-it-yourself program like our Owner-Builder Program in a 90 second video clip, but it all helps!

We’re just pleased to be able to get the word out of how HomeWrights Custom Homes is changing lives by helping people build equity, save money, and/or make money while acting as their own general contractor. Of course, with a little help from the HomeWrights’ experienced team of Project Coordinators

We also know that any media is going to point out the pros and the cons to any story they do. We found it, a little entertaining that the only downside in this report as well as the commentary by the studio anchors about this story was the fact that if you want to save $200,000 there might be a little work on your part, involved. Cheers to that.

We also know that any media is going to point out the pros and the cons to any story they do. We found it, a little entertaining that the only downside in this report as well as the commentary by the studio anchors about this story was the fact that if you want to save $200,000 there might be a little work on your part, involved. Cheers to that.

We don’t hide the fact that being your own general contractor will require some work from you if you want to save a big chunk of money. Fortunately none of our clients are opposed to a little hard work and most of them sincerely appreciate saving a couple hundred grand every now and then!

So, all we can say is PROBLEM SOLVED!

Check out the Fox31 story and let us know what you think!

Skidmores with HomeWrights team

Annie and Matthew Skidmore with HomeWrights team.